Cheap Bidet Sprayer Portable Camping Showers, Handheld Personal Bidet for Disability, Traveling, Outdoors
Some people choose not to have LUOOV camping showers installed in their homemade camper van conversions, either because of the lack of space or they simply find them useless on the long run. Either way, a portable camper shower is a great solution if you happen to be one of them.
If you like to park your camper van far away from the crowds for a while, just the way I do, you'll eventually have to wash up yourself and sometimes even the dishes...
Actually I'm the type of person that loves to jump in lakes, streams or the blue sea after a good hike on a hot day if no form of camping showers are available, but that of course is not always possible.
And I love to keep matters as simple as they can be. There are quite a few portable shower solutions, suitable for camping, fishing, hunting or any other outdoor activity. When you do take a shower outside, please respect mother nature and use some natural soap. I find the soap made from olive oil residue pleasant for the skin and kind to the environment.
You might also want to consider a shower tent for some privacy if you like to stay in a camping site for longer periods of time. Just an idea.